IV IRAM Conference
Struga - Macedonia
September 21st, 2003
Prof. Dr. Dimitrije Buzarovski
Ernst Lichtenhahn
Composition and Improvisation
in Ethnomusicological Perspectives
Dieter Ringli
Oral Tradition in the Age of
Mechanical Reproduction:
Some Aspects of a Fundamental
Michel van der Mark
Retrieving Pitch and Rhythm
from Archive Recordings
Dimitrije Buzarovski
Firfov Collection Revisited:
Oral Tradition after 30 Years
Aida Islam
Makams and Usuls v.s. Scales
and Rhythtms of Western Music
Alan Goldspiel
Background Structure, Syntax and
Idiomatic Device in
Heitor Villa-Lobos’s Music for
Solo Guitar
Kim Sargeant
Towards a New Musical Language
Simon Young
Challenges of Music Education
in a Global Environment
Kenneth Robbins
"The Phenomenon of AMERICAN
IDOL: Showbiz, Musicianship, and Technology
Stefanija Leshkova - Zelenkovska
Macedonian Composers Hypothetical
Revenue Models
during the Period of Transition
Michael Rasbury
Music technology: The Complete
Recording Studio within the Computer